Once upon a time.... There was a young lady and a young man; let’s call them Sharon and Jesse. Jesse was from Canada and was visiting his relatives for a short while, who lived in the state of Texas (USA). While he was visiting, he met Sharon. Sharon was a WONDERFUL young lady; she was all he was ever looking for in a wife. So, Jesse asked Sharon to marry him. Sharon loved Jesse soooo. So, of course, she said yes.
Now, Sharon and Jesse had known each other several months before they got engaged. Jesse had always told Sharon these wonderful stories about Canada. He spoke of his rich father that had acres and acres of land. All the beauty and the bountiful pleasures that awaited them if they moved there. So, Sharon knew that marrying Jesse meant moving to Canada.
On the sidelines of this beautiful romance was the guy down the street. He hated Jesse. Not for any good reason; he was just jealous of Jesse’s relationship with the Canadians. See, the guy down the street was from Canada also, but he had been deported. Canada had found him guilty of being a traitor, and he was banned to the US. He was jealous that Jesse could go back to Canada and could enjoy its pleasures.
As they had planned, shortly after getting engaged, Jesse went back to Canada to build a home for Sharon. Even though they (Jesse and Sharon) stayed in touch through emails and phone calls, the long-distance relationship was difficult for Sharon. To add to her longing to be with Jesse, the guy down the street was always in her ear….

“He’s been gone two years now; he ain't comin’ back. Why you waitin’ on him?” …… “Yeah, you are here in Texas scrapin’ by, and he’s buidin’ a ranch house. ... Yeah right!! You sent him how much money?? You could have bought a new car with that”.
The guy down the street didn’t want Sharon. He just wanted to mess up the relationship Jesse had with her. (Remember, he HATED Jesse!) One day, Sharon was stuck on the side of the road; her car had another flat tire. Who should show up? Who else but the guy down the street!! There he stood, right outside her window, taunting her… "Now, you're gonna be ridin’ the bus!"
Sharon was sitting behind the wheel, tired and frustrated, when suddenly she noticed the car jolted. She opened the car door and peeked past the guy down the street. To Sharon's surprise, there was a young man getting ready to change her tire. He looked familiar, but she didn’t quite recognize him. He looked up at her and said, “Hello Sharon, remember me? I’m Joe!” He had the biggest smile and the warmest appearance. Sharon asked, “How do you know my name?” Joe reminded her that they had met a little while back at a family gathering just before Jesse left for Canada. Jesse and Joe were twin brothers. Jesse had asked him to stay in Texas and keep her company while he was away. (Joe had always been there, ready to help, but Sharon had forgotten to ask him.) She had met him once, but she had forgotten all about him.
Joe told Sharon to make sure she stayed in touch. She didn’t have to be harassed by that guy down the street. She could just give him a call anytime she needed assistance. He would always be available to his brother’s bride-to-be!
Who is Sharon?
Jeremiah 6:2— I have likened the daughter of Zion to a comely and delicate woman.
Who is The Ultimate Fiancé?
John 14:1-3, 16— 1 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. 2 In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also. ….
16 And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever;
PCM - 2015