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Open MIC

In February 2024, we upgraded to a BOLDER book cover and easier-to-read content flow. All the events from the first edition—with both laughter and tears—still remain.

On February 27, 2022, GoG Enterprises hosted an Online Book Launch, for The Diary of a SAVED Black Woman, using Zoom Rooms. Because of Covid-19, the physical brick-and-mortar launch had been rescheduled several times, and therefore it was decided to take the Zoom Plunge!

Who knew! We had a ball! A once-in-a-lifetime experience that could probably never be recreated. The atmosphere was joyful! The visitors were elated as they moved from room to room, interacting with each other and their hosts. The guest played a scavenger hunt and learned about The Diary of a SAVED Black Women in the process. Listen to some of the comments as they talk about the event in the Open Mic video. Visit the main event in each Zoom room via the recordings made that day.

Though the door prizes are LONG gone, feel free to play the scavenger hunt with the links provided. MAKE SURE you sign the Guest Book; I'd love to know you stopped by!

Welcome to the
Book Launch Re-Cap

Welcome to the
Book Launch Re-Cap

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